California Distracted Driving Laws: What You Need to Know


In today’s fast-paced world, we often find ourselves juggling multiple tasks while driving. However, in California, distracted driving laws are strict, reflecting the serious safety risks associated with this behavior. As a legal service provider specializing in defending against traffic tickets, we understand the complexity of these laws and the impact they can have on your driving privileges and insurance rates.

Distracted driving covers a range of activities that divert attention from driving, including using your phone to text, changing the music, or even eating. The purpose of these laws is to reduce road accidents and enhance safety for all road users. Violating these rules can result in substantial fines, points on your driving record, and increased insurance costs. For anyone who has received a citation related to distracted driving, it’s crucial to know not only the nature of these distractions, which the law covers but also what can be done legally to mitigate any penalties or misunderstandings in the citation process.

We provide expert legal advice and representation tailored to the unique circumstances surrounding each case of distracted driving. Understanding your rights and the legal options available is the first step toward effectively handling a distracted driving citation in California. Our goal is to ensure that you are represented fairly in all proceedings and to assist in maintaining your clean driving record.

Overview of Distracted Driving Laws in California

In California, the laws regarding distracted driving are particularly strict and are designed to minimize risks on the road. Distracted driving is any activity that diverts a driver’s attention away from the primary task of driving. This includes but is not limited to using a cellphone for texting or calling, eating, using navigation systems, and adjusting the radio. As of the beginning of 2024, California law prohibits all drivers from using handheld wireless phones or electronic wireless communications devices while driving unless the device is used in a hands-free manner. The rationale behind this law is to keep the driver’s eyes on the road and hands on the wheel, thereby reducing the possibility of accidents caused by divided attention.

For new drivers under the age of 18, California imposes even tighter restrictions. These young drivers are entirely banned from using mobile phones while driving, even if equipped with hands-free devices. This rule underscores the increased risk that distractions pose to inexperienced drivers.

Types of Distractions that Can Lead to Citations

When considering what might attract a distracted driving citation, it’s important to recognize the breadth of activities that qualify. Here are some common distractions that have been noted to impair driving abilities significantly:

1. Texting and Using Smartphones: Texting is one of the most hazardous distractions as it diverts visual, manual, and cognitive attention from driving. California sees this as a primary violation, which means an officer can pull you over without any other reason if they suspect you are texting while driving.

2. Using Electronic Devices: This includes using a smartphone, tablet, or navigation system while driving. Even if momentarily glancing at a screen can significantly increase the risk of a collision.

3. Eating and Drinking: These actions force drivers to remove their hands from the steering wheel and their concentration away from the road.

4. External Distractions: These could be anything from a billboard to an event happening outside the vehicle which draws the driver’s attention away from the road.

Each type of distraction can significantly impair driving performance, increasing the likelihood of receiving a citation. Recognizing these risks and managing them proactively is crucial to safe driving in California.

Penalties and Consequences for Distracted Driving

The penalties for distracted driving in California are designed to deter drivers from engaging in risky behavior that could endanger themselves and others. For the first offense of distracted driving, the driver faces a fine. Repeat offenses within 36 months not only increase the fine amount but may also have harsher consequences. Points may also be added to the driver’s record, which can affect insurance premiums and potentially lead to a suspension of driving privileges if too many points are accumulated.

Additionally, for drivers under 18, the consequences are more strict as they are not allowed to use a phone at all while driving, even hands-free. Any violation of this can lead to an immediate suspension of their license. Understanding these severe repercussions can discourage distracted driving and encourage safer driving practices among Californians.

How We Can Help if You’re Cited for Distracted Driving

If you’ve been cited for distracted driving, it’s essential to know that you have options. We specialize in representing and defending clients who have been fined or accused of distracted driving in California. Here’s how we can assist you:

1. Assessing Your Case: We’ll review the circumstances of your citation to determine the best course of action. This could involve challenging the accuracy of the evidence or proving that you were not distracted at the time you were pulled over.

2. Legal Representation: Should your case go to court, we provide full legal representation. We understand the nuances of traffic law in California, and we’ll argue on your behalf to secure the best possible outcome.

3. Negotiating Penalties: In some cases, we can negotiate the penalties to avoid points being added to your license, which is crucial in keeping your insurance rates down and maintaining your driving privileges.

4. Guidance and Support: Beyond legal representation, we offer advice and support to help you understand your rights and the legal proceedings involved. Our team is here to answer any questions you may have about the process and your legal standings.


As your dedicated defender against traffic violations in California, our aim is not just to support you through legal challenges, but also to educate and encourage safer driving practices. Distracted driving not only carries significant legal penalties but also increases your risk of being involved in an accident. If you happen to find yourself cited for such a violation, remember that we are here to help. Our experience and dedication are key assets in defending your case and protecting your driving record.

If you are facing a distracted driving ticket, don’t hesitate to contact Mr. Ticket’s California traffic ticket attorney today. Let us help you navigate through this situation with our professional legal counsel and support.